Coming Soon
Not Your
Party's Mascot
Trunks for
Trunks for
Gun Reform
Trunks for
Bodily Autonomy
Trunks for

We’re a super pac(k) of elephants that vote based on the issues. We’re taking our tusks to the voting booths this November, and so should you.

We’re sharing the Elephant Voters Guide so that you can act like a gentle giant, but vote like an apex predator.

Coming Soon
Coming Soon
trunks for
animal welfare

Let's be crystal clear here: the GOP's stance on climate change isn't just backwards, it's a masterclass in willful ignorance and corporate pandering. For years, we've watched Republican leaders perform an elaborate dance - first denying climate change outright, then grudgingly admitting it might be happening but claiming it's not caused by humans, and now acknowledging it but insisting that addressing it would be too costly.

They've turned rejecting climate science into a bizarre loyalty test, all while coastal communities flood, wildfires rage, and extreme weather events become the new normal.

And let's follow the money, shall we? This isn't about protecting American jobs or energy independence. It's about protecting the profit margins of fossil fuel companies who've bankrolled Republican campaigns for decades. It's a quid pro quo written in rising sea levels and disappearing glaciers.

So let’s address the elephant in the room, if you believe in climate science then you’re not voting with the Republican Party this November.

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Trunks for
gun reform

Republicans are obsessed with guns. Time after time, they choose a perverse interpretation of freedom that values unfettered access to firearms over the freedom to live without fear of gun violence.

For example, the federal assault weapons ban, which helped keep certain semi-automatic weapons off the market has expired. Efforts to reinstate this ban have faced strong opposition from Republicans.

The Republican Party's stance on gun control isn't just a policy position—it's a carefully crafted strategy that prioritizes the interests of gun manufacturers over the safety of American citizens. They've taken the Second Amendment and twisted it into a shield to deflect any and all attempts at reasonable gun safety measures. And let's not forget, they've mastered the art of inciting fear—fear of crime, fear of government overreach, fear of losing some idealized version of American freedom. 

After every weekly mass shooting in America, we watch Republicans perform the same tired routine: wringing their hands after every mass shooting, offering "thoughts and prayers," and then promptly returning to their NRA-approved script of "now is not the time to talk about gun control." It's a dance so choreographed, you could set it to music.

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Trunks for
Bodily autonomy

As the biggest bodies roaming this Earth, we feel especially passionate about bodily autonomy. Unfortunately, along with stealing our image, the Republican Party has been stealing the right for people, especially those in historically marginalized communities, to make decisions about their own bodies.

In 2022, the Supreme Court's conservative majority overturned Roe v. Wade removing the constitutional right to abortion. Following the decision, several states (led by Republican majorities) quickly enacted "trigger laws" that immediately banned or severely restricted abortions.

And they didn’t stop there. In recent years, Republicans have enacted or supported legislation that restricts access to gender-affirming care for transgender youth. They even went as far as to limit the discussion of LGBTQ+ topics in schools, restricting teachers from addressing issues related to gender identity and sexual orientation.

Additionally, some states have implemented or proposed measures to limit access to contraception and regulate or ban certain medical procedures like vasectomies. It’s true, they even want to take away men’s bodily autonomy!

If you believe humans deserve the right to make decisions about their own bodies, register to vote.

Register to vote

elephant voter guide

Let's be crystal clear here: the GOP's stance on climate change isn't just backwards, it's a masterclass in willful ignorance and corporate pandering. For years, we've watched Republican leaders perform an elaborate dance - first denying climate change outright, then grudgingly admitting it might be happening but claiming it's not caused by humans, and now acknowledging it but insisting that addressing it would be too costly.

They've turned rejecting climate science into a bizarre loyalty test, all while coastal communities flood, wildfires rage, and extreme weather events become the new normal.

And let's follow the money, shall we? This isn't about protecting American jobs or energy independence. It's about protecting the profit margins of fossil fuel companies who've bankrolled Republican campaigns for decades. It's a quid pro quo written in rising sea levels and disappearing glaciers.

So let’s address the elephant in the room, if you believe in climate science then you’re not voting with the Republican Party this November.

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Republicans are obsessed with guns. Time after time, they choose a perverse interpretation of freedom that values unfettered access to firearms over the freedom to live without fear of gun violence.

For example, the federal assault weapons ban, which helped keep certain semi-automatic weapons off the market has expired. Efforts to reinstate this ban have faced strong opposition from Republicans.

The Republican Party's stance on gun control isn't just a policy position—it's a carefully crafted strategy that prioritizes the interests of gun manufacturers over the safety of American citizens. They've taken the Second Amendment and twisted it into a shield to deflect any and all attempts at reasonable gun safety measures. And let's not forget, they've mastered the art of inciting fear—fear of crime, fear of government overreach, fear of losing some idealized version of American freedom. 

After every weekly mass shooting in America, we watch Republicans perform the same tired routine: wringing their hands after every mass shooting, offering "thoughts and prayers," and then promptly returning to their NRA-approved script of "now is not the time to talk about gun control." It's a dance so choreographed, you could set it to music.

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As the biggest bodies roaming this Earth, we feel especially passionate about bodily autonomy. Unfortunately, along with stealing our image, the Republican Party has been stealing the right for people, especially those in historically marginalized communities, to make decisions about their own bodies.

In 2022, the Supreme Court's conservative majority overturned Roe v. Wade removing the constitutional right to abortion. Following the decision, several states (led by Republican majorities) quickly enacted "trigger laws" that immediately banned or severely restricted abortions.

And they didn’t stop there. In recent years, Republicans have enacted or supported legislation that restricts access to gender-affirming care for transgender youth. They even went as far as to limit the discussion of LGBTQ+ topics in schools, restricting teachers from addressing issues related to gender identity and sexual orientation.

Additionally, some states have implemented or proposed measures to limit access to contraception and regulate or ban certain medical procedures like vasectomies. It’s true, they even want to take away men’s bodily autonomy!

If you believe humans deserve the right to make decisions about their own bodies, register to vote.

Register to vote


Art Auction Benefiting People For the American Way

The Trunks for Change art auction is now live, featuring works from iconic artists like Shepard Fairey, Chuck Close, Ed Ruscha, Carrie Mae Weems, and more. All proceeds benefit People for the American Way and support voter enablement efforts.

Bidding is open, and you can pre-bid now. The auction closes on November 4th.

Join us in driving change through art and action!

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Step into the ring with us.